Monday, February 21, 2011

Gold Coasters Earn Leadership Board Bonus Points

The Gold Coasters Leadership Board team earned a 25 point bonus by performing a community service event as a team. The Gold Coasters were acitve participants and volunteers that the NCAA/Lake Forest College National Girls and Women in Sports Day that was held in conjunction with the LFC vs. Grinnell College Basketball games.

Associate Athletic Director Portia Lowe commented
,"The players from the football team were outstanding facilitators and leaders of their groups. The girls that participated in the event, really enjoyed getting to interact with "REAL COLLEGE FOOTBALL PLAYERS."

Among other things, the players assisted in running the relay races, basketball skills development, soccer skills, and in the trivia contest. Many of the players stayed and sat with the girls during the women's basketball game.

The Lake Forest College Football Team Leadership Board competition is a semester long activity. Each semester, the team votes on leaders who they feel best represent the interests of their program. The leaders then draft players to their teams. The teams earn points through various activities throughout the semester. At the end of the semester, both a team and individual award are given. These awards are presented at the end of the semester, and are honored on a plaque in the Halas Hall meeting room. The leadership board teams are named after former Lake Forest College Mascots or traditional references to the athletic teams. Scores are updated throughout the semester on our blog site.

Spring of 2010 Winners: Mike Nelson '12 (Individual) Gold Coasters-led by Luke Butts (Team)

Fall of 2010 Winners: Chris Lang '11 (Individual) Lumberjacks- led by Steve Yena (Team)